Austin Ackerman
Class of 2026
FFA Activities:
-Bass Fishing
-Market Goats
-Wildlife CDE
Plans After High School:
My plan after high school is to attend Tarleton State University to major in Wildlife Ecology and Management to continue to learn various aspects of wildlife, like animal behavior, conservation, and habitat management.
Favorite FFA Memory:
One of my favorite FFA memories is bass fishing. Bass fishing has always been my passion, but since I've started fishing competitively my passion has grown stronger. In bass fishing I have come to learn patience, and techniques I would have never learned without the I have spent with my partner Avery Sutton, and my captain Ben Sanchez.
Proudest Accomplishment:
One of my proudest accomplishments in FFA is earning 8th place at Houston archery, just two places from earning a spot at finals. The Houston archery competition is the biggest archery competition in the state of Texas with hundreds of shooters each year.
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